cities -- urbanity -- design
Research Projects
Life in the Rust Archipelago: Natural and Human Ecologies after Capital Flight. Two-year project funded by the Henkel Foundation to study disinvested post-industrial landscapes.
Foodscapes: Logistics and Spatial Transformations in Paris, New York, and Mexico City. Research project in planning phase with Noah Allison and Tiana Bakic Hayden.
Post-Pandemic Geographies: Life Beyond Covid-19 in Immigrant Queens. Research project funded by the Zolberg Institute for Migration Studies. Co-PI with Oscar Sosa López.
Aerial States: Cartographies of the Megacity. Exhibit of variously rendered satellite imagery of cities and landscapes, under development.
Worlding Heritage: Architecture, Urban Landscapes, and the Conservation Imaginary. Manuscript in progress.
"Stone by Stone: Urban Spatial Production and Communal Resistance in Mexico City." Article forthcoming in Buildings and Landscapes.
"Surreal Estate: Architectural Decomposition and Subtraction in Post-Industrial Landscapes." Article under revision with Landscape Journal.
"The Postmodern Parks of Paris: A Challenge for Landscape Photogrpahers." Photographic essay for On Landscape magazine. Under review.
"Urban Shoreline Ecologies: Salt Marsh Restoration in New York City." Article in progress, with Sofya Krasnaya.
"Distributional Logistics and the Production of Regional Space." Article in progress, with Isis Famble and Sofya Krasnaya.