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To view by categories and topics, see Research section

For complete account of work, see full curriculum vitae

Work in Progress

Life in the Rust Archipelago: Natural and Human Ecologies after Capital Flight.  Two-year project funded by the Henkel Foundation to study disinvested post-industrial landscapes.


Worlding Heritage: Architecture, Urban Landscapes, and the Conservation Imaginary.  Manuscript in progress.


Post-Pandemic Geographies: Life Beyond Covid-19 in Immigrant Queens.  Research project funded by the Zolberg Institute for Migration Studies.  Co-PI with Oscar Sosa López.


At Home in the Metropolis: Spatial Affordances and Everyday Life in Mexico City.  Ongoing research project, with plan to culminate in a book.


Aerial States: Cartographies of the Megacity.  Exhibit of variously rendered satellite imagery of cities and landscapes, under development.

"The Postmodern Parks of Paris: A Challenge for Landscape Photogrpahers." Photographic essay for On Landscape magazine.  Under review.

"Urban Shoreline Ecologies: Salt Marsh Restoration in New York City." Article in progress.


2023 (as of July)


Global Queens: An Urban Mosaic.  New York: Fordham University Press, 2023.

"A Green Oasis in the Megacity." Photographic essay for On Landscape magazine, July 2023.

"Adapted for Devotion: Religious and Space in Queens." Selection of 40 photographs projected with maps and other graphic materials as part of an installation in the exhibit City of Faith, curated by Azra Dawood, Museum of the City of New York, May-October 2023.

"Unequal Cities."  Participant in roundtable discussion on Richard McGahey's recently published book Unequal Cities (Columbia University Press 2023), held at the Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis, The New School, Apr 2023.

"How to Spatialize Crisis: A Tour of Long Island City." Tour organized for students and faculty from the University of Vienna, Apr 2023.


"Reconfigurations: Thinking Through the 'Urban' in the Urban Humanities." Roundtable organized for the Urban Humanities Un-Conference, University of Arizona, Mar 2023.



The Routledge Handbook of Infrastructure Designs: Global Views from Architectural History.  Edited volume with 26 original essays.  New York: Routledge.

Urban Infrastructure: Historical and Social Dimensions of an Interconnected World.  Co-edited with Jonathan Soffer and Rae Zimmerman.  University of Pittsburgh Press, 2022.

"Design Highs and Policy Lows in the Making of New Public Space in Mexico City." Co-authored with David López Garcia.  Journal of Urbanism, November 2022.


"Showcase Politics: The Production and Distribution of New Public Space in Mexico City." Co-authored with David López Garcia.  Journal of Urban Affairs, October 2022.

"Afterlives: Model Cities at 50." Chair and discussant for panel at the Nineteenth Biennial Conference on Planning History, New York, NY, Oct 2022.


"Foodscapes of The Bronx: Logistics and Infrastructure to Feed the Metropolis."  Tour organized for the Nineteenth Biennial Planning History Conference, New York, NY, Oct 2022.

"Exploring the Peri-Urban Landscapes of Oaxaca." Edge Effects, September 2022.


"What Is Theory? From Planning Theory to Theory for Planning." Commentary solicited by the Journal of the American Planning Association, published online July 2022, forthcoming in print 2023.

"The Street Markets of Mexico City." Selection of ten large prints included by invitation to the inaugural group show Markets Through Contemporary Art, installed at the Museo Del Banco de México, Jul-Dec 2022.  Show includes nine artists; my work is the only shown by a non-Mexican artist.

"Housing History as a Methodological Observatory." Discussant for roundtable at the European Architectural History Network, Madrid, Spain, Jun 2022.          .

"What's in a Discipline?  Architectural History as a Knowledge Project." Special series of two sessions convened with Fernando Luis Lara for the Society of Architectural Historians annual meeting, Pittsburgh, Apr 2022.

"A Walk through the Pedregal de Santo Domingo." Virtual tour and talk for the School of Architecture, Kent State University, Mar 2022.

"All the Queens Houses: An Architectural Portrait of New York's Largest and Most Diverse Borough." Conversation with Rafael Herrin-Ferri at the Queens Public Library, Jan 2022.


"Landscape Entanglements: Toward a New Descriptive Project in Planning Theory." Article co-authored with Kevin Rogan, Berkeley Planning Journal 31 (2020).

"The Tianguis of Mexico City" in On Site Review 36 (March 2020), special issue on "Our Material Future."  Revised and abridged version of article published in Streetnotes in 2019, solicited for inclusion in On Site Review.

"Queens is the Future." Introduction to Rafael Herrin-Ferri, All The Queens Houses.  Berlin: Jovis, 2021.

Two teaching modules for the Global Architectural History Teaching Collaborative, 2021. Race, Class, and Culture in New Orleans: 1) Global Trajectories, 1700-1850; 2) Forging an American Metropolis, 1850-1940.


"Abandoned Buildings and Vacant Lots as a Heritage of Racial Capitalism in Post-Industrial Cities." Lecture for the Cities Programme, London School of Economics, Sept 2021.

"Nezayork: From Mexico City to New York City." Tour of Corona, Queens, organized for students and faculty from Universidad Anahuác, Mexico City, Spet 2021.


"What do Planners Need to Know?  Educating the Next Generation of Urban Planners."  Lecture at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, Mar 2021. 


"A Walk through the Pedregal de Santo Domingo."  Virtual tour and talk for the Princeton University Program in Architecture, Urbanism, and the Humanities, Jan 2021.


"Landscape Entanglements: Toward a New Descriptive Project in Planning Theory." Article co-authored with Kevin Rogan, Berkeley Planning Journal 31 (2020).

"The Tianguis of Mexico City" in On Site Review 36 (March 2020), special issue on "Our Material Future."  Revised and abridged version of article published in Streetnotes in 2019, solicited for inclusion in On Site Review.


"Living in the Diagram: Colonia Federal and Urban Planning in Twentieth Century Mexico City." The Journal of Urbanism, May 2020.

"Take it From the Top: Teaching the Introduction to Urban Studies." Roundtable organized for the Urban Affairs Association Conference, Washington, DC.  [Cancelled due to Covid-19].

"A Street in Bratislava." Photographic essay, Platform magazine, March 2020.


"Syntopic Landscape: The Wholesale Supply Market at Oaxaca." Photographic essay, Platform magazine,

January 2020.

"Archive of Dying in Union County, Kentucky, 1921."  Green Mountain Review, January 2020.

Five teaching modules for the Global Architectural History Teaching Collaborative, 2020. Place-Making and World-Seeking on the Swahili Coast: 1) The Swahili Archipelago; 2) Evolution of the Old Stone Towns; 3) Reaching Out to the World: Dhows, Ports, and Waterfronts; 4) Building the Town: Home, Shop, and Mosque; 5) From Colonial Outpost to Post-Colonial Metropolis.


"Searching for Cosmopolis: Living Together, Apart." Talk given for the Black Faculty and Staff Union at Oxford University.  Nov 2019.


"Searching for Cosmopolis: Living Together, Apart." Talk given at the Royal College of Art, London.  Nov 2019.


"Slow Motion Katrina: Architectural Subtraction as a Heritage of Racial Capitalism."  Talk given at the University of Antwerp.  Oct 2019.

"New York City’s Sunnyside Yards, and Our Urban Future." Public Seminar, 16 September 2019.

"Colonial Archetypes and Heritage Conservation in East Africa." Paper presented for a session at the World History Association Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, July 2019.

"Urban Agendas." Photographic essay published in inaugural issue of Platform magazine, June 2019.

"Geometries of Corn and Blood." In Dominic Pettman, ed. Dispatches from the Institute of Incoherent Geography (Pittsburgh and New York: Flugschriften, 2019).

"Mexico City Morphologies." Streetnotes 26 (2019), special issue on The View From Above.

"Architecture, Urban Form, and Assemblage Aesthetics in Mexico City's Street Markets." International Journal of Architectural Research, May 2019.

"Infrastructure: Global Perspectives from Architectural History." Session convened and chaired for the Society of Architectural Historians annual meeting, Providence, RI, Apr 2019.

"Searching for Cosmopolis: Living Together, Apart."  Opening remarks for conference on Urban Diversities in the Gulf Cities and Beyond, Princeton University, Mar 2019.



"Shops at Night" and "Cyclist, North St. Louis." Two photographs featured in The Fourth River magazine, Nov 2018.

Closing address for the City Food Symposium: Comparative Study of Street Vending Across Time And Place.  New York University, Nov 2018.


"The Multicolored Street Markets of Mexico City."  Specially rendered satellite images featured in The Guardian, 15 October 2018.

"Slow Motion Katrina: Race, Architecture, and Subtraction in North St. Louis." Keynote for conference marking the 20th anniversary of the Urban Planning program at Saint Louis University, Oct 2018.

"Tense Urbanities: Formality, Informality, and the Right to the City." Participant in symposium at the Center for Interdisciplinary Investigations in the Sciences and Humanities, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Nov 2018.


"Shops at Night, Jackson Heights."  Photograph.  Packinghouse Review 12 (Fall 2018).


"Chairs, Brooklyn." Photograph selected for the cover of Blue Mesa Review 37 (Fall 2018).

"After the Fire, Roses."  Photograph for juried group show, Core New Art Space, Denver, CO, May-June 2018.


"Colonia Federal, Mexico City."  Photograph for juried group show, Barrett Art Center, Poughkeepsie, NY, May-Jun 2018.

"Sensing and the Sensorium." Chair and discussant for panel at the Second International Conference on Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Urban Infrastructure, Venice, Italy, Jun 2018.

Participant in Symposium on Housing After 1968, School of Architecture, ETH-Zurich, May 2018.


"Learning from Roosevelt Avenue: Hyperdiversity in the Global City." Tour organized for students and faculty from the Zolberg Institute (7 students, 5 faculty), May 2018.

Introduction and discussion of the documentary film Rabat, screened at the Panorama Europe Festival, Museum of the Moving Image, New York City, May 2018.

Plenary session participant and Facilitator of Roundtable on Public Scholarship, Collaboratory Symposium, The New School, Apr 2018.


"Angels of Memory Guard the City in Freefall: Some Meditations on Architecture and Urbanism."  Lecture at the Center for American Studies, Columbia University, Apr 2018.


"What's In a Roofline? Architectural Memory in the Heart of New York."  Photographic essay forthcoming in Urban Omnibus: The Journal of the Architectural League of New York.  Dec 2017.

"Buy, Sell, Trade."  Photograph for juried group show, Colorado Photographic Arts Center, Denver, CO, Sept-Nov 2017.


"Santa Katarina at Night, 2017" and "Street Scene, Chinatown, 2016."  Two photographs for juried group show Being Sentient, Sentient Being, Allegheny Arts Council, Cumberland, MD, Sept-Oct 2017.

"Cooking for Democracy." Gastronomica: The Journal of Food and Culture 17, 3 (Fall 2017).

"Public Housing as a Tool of Racial Segregation."  In Daniel D'Oca and Tobias Armborst, The Arsenal of Exclusion and Inclusion (Barcelona: Actar Press, 2017).

"Official Magic:
 Mexico City and the Planning Imaginary." Paper presented for conference on Urban World-Making, University of Amsterdam, Jun 2017.

"Temporalities of Infrastructure: Acceleration and Deceleration in the Post-Industrial Imaginary." Paper presented at symposium on Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Urban Infrastructure, NYU-Paris, May 2017.

"Angels of Memory Guard the City in Freefall: Some Meditations on Architecture and Urbanism."  Keynote speech for the Dissertation Colloquium, Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture, Columbia University, March 2017.

"Urban Data Streams: Selections from the Façade Project." Photographs featured in Domus (Mar 2017).


"Creative Approaches to Public Space." In Yvonne Franz and Christiane Hintermann, eds., Understanding Public Spaces (University of Vienna Press, 2017).

"Strangeness Seen." Presentation on photographic work for New Talks series at The New School, New York, Feb 2017.


"Janet Abu-Lughod." In Regan Koch and Alan Latham, eds., Key Thinkers on Cities (Sage Press, 2016).

"Crosswalk, Faubourg St-Antoine."  Rendered photograph for juried group show, Art League of Rhode Island, Providence, RI, Sept-Oct 2016.

"The Street Department Photographs of Early Twentieth-Century St. Louis." Three presentations:  Evening Lecture Series and Afternoon Discussion Series at Missouri Historical Society, and Author Talks Series at the St. Louis County Library, St. Louis, MO, Sept 2016.

Capturing the City: Photographs from the Streets of St. Louis, 1900-1930.  Co-authored with Angela Dietz. Forthcoming from the Missouri Historical Society and the University of Chicago Press, 2016.

"A Tale of Two Projects: Race, Neighborhood, and Design in the City."  Lecture at University of Iowa, Sept 2016.


"What is a Ph.D.?  Restructuring Graduate Education in the Humanities."  Workshop for sponsored by the Dept. of American Studies, University of Iowa, Sept 2016.


Post-screening comments for The Pruitt-Igoe Myth, IU Cinema Series, Bloomington, Sept 2016.


"An Urbanist in the House of History: Love from the Margins of a Discipline."  Lecture and discussion with graduate students, Indiana University, Bloomington, Sept 2016.


"Whose River Is It?"  Rendered photograph with graphic elements for juried group show, Site:Brooklyn Gallery, New York, NY, May-June 2016.


"For the Love of the City: Educating Planners for a Global Urban Future."  Lecture at the College of Planning, Policy, and Urban Affairs, University of Illinois, Chicago, Apr 2016.

"Urban Knowledge in Architectural Education."  Series of two sessions organized with Jeff Hou for the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, Seattle, WA, Mar 2016.


"The Architecture of History."  Session organized for the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, Seattle, WA, Mar 2016.


"Voices and Visions of St. Louis: Past, Present, and Future." Keynote address for conference at the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, Mar 2016.


"The Next 100 Years of Affordable Housing." Symposium at Cooper Union, NYC, Mar 2016.

"Urban Powerpointing." Collage for juried group show, Thompson Gallery, Weston, MA, Feb-Mar 2016.

Three pieces published in Ethnography in an Expanded Field, web project by the Graduate Institute of Design, Ethnography, and Social Thought: "Crosswalk, Fabourg St-Antoine"; "100 Objects"; and "Archive of Dying in Union County, 1921."  Feb 2016.


"Remaking Paris: Design and the Post-Industrial Imaginary in the City of Light."  Lecture at Smith College, Feb 2016.


"Mattresses, Tryon Road, Charlotte."  Photograph for juried group show, Black Box Gallery, Portland, OR.  Oct-Dec 2015.

"The Future of Public Housing: A Global View."  Symposium at the School of Architecture, Princeton University, Dec 2015.

"Race, Class, and American City Planning." Essay for Black Lives Matter, a web-based resource project by the Aggregate Architectural History Collaborate, edited by Meredith TenHoor and Jonathan Massey, Fall 2015.

"More Menacing that Fire and the Elements: Race, Neighborhood, and Urban Planning in the Twentieth Century." Lecture at the College of Art and Architecture, Washington University, Nov 2015.


"After Ferguson: Social Justice and the Right to the City."  Panelist for plenary session at the annual meeting of the St. Louis Association of Community Organizations (SLACO), Nov 2015.


"Angels of Memory in the City."  Presidential Address for the Society for American City and Regional Planning History, delivered at the Sixteenth Biennial Planning History Conference, Los Angeles, Nov 2015.

Evaluating the Quality of the 5Pointz Graffiti Murals under the Visual Artists Rights Act, Amicus Brief Filed for the U.S. District Court, 20 July 2015.

"Die Kobolde in Der Stadt."  Worked photograph for juried group show, The Studio Door Gallery, San Diego, CA.  May-July 2015.


"Rumors of a New City."  Collage.  Bad Penny Review (April 2015).


"Vendors, Mombasa, 1995."  Photograph.  Chaffey Review VIII (Spring 2015).

"Deconstructing the High Line."  Organizer and moderator for pubic symposium with two panels and eight presenters at The New School, Mar 2015.


"The Bold and the Bland: Art, Redevelopment, and the Creative Commons in Post-Industrial New York." City: Analysis of Urban Trends, Culture, Theory, Policy, Action 19, 1 (2015).


"Myth No. 1: Public Housing Stands Alone." Chapter in Nicholas Bloom, Fritz Umbach, and Lawrence Vale, eds., Public Housing Myths: Perception, Reality, and Social Policy (Cornell Univ Press, 2015).

"Urban Margins: Borders, Boundaries, and Lines on the Land."  Lecture delivered for the City of New York's Department of Design and Construction Monthly Speaker Series, Mar 2015.

Review of Margaret Dewar and June Manning Thomas, eds., The City After Abandonment (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012).  Planning Perspectives 30, 1 (2015).


"Boundary Worlds: Traveling the Brooklyn-Queens Border." Photographic and documentary essay in Urban Omnibus: The Journal of the Architectural League of New York, 15 January 2015.

"The World in a Cup: Coffee, from Kitchen Table to World Stage." The Montreal Review.  January 2015. 



"The Science and Art of City-Making: The Model Street at the 1904 World's Fair." In Robert Freestone and Marco Amati, eds., Exhibitions and the Development of Modern Planning Culture (London: Ashgate Press, 2014).

"Public Humanities, Place-Making, and the Uses of Urban History." Participant in roundtable for the Urban History Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, Oct 2014.

"Official, Informal, Insurgent: Creative Approaches to Public Space."  Lecture at the University of Vienna, Jul 2014.


"The Third Life of Industrial Cities: The Case of Paris." Paper presented for a session at the European Architectural History Network, Turin, Italy, Jun 2014.

New York City site supervisor for multi-city study by the Preservation Green Lab, Realizing the Energy Efficiency Potential of Small Buildings.  Funded and published by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Jun 2014.

"What does 'Creative' Mean in 'Creative Cities'? Cultural Policy and the Neoliberal State."  Lecture at the Universidad de las Américas, Puebla, Mexico, Jan 2014.

"A Library, A City." Meridian.  Winter 2014.

"Borderlands."  Installation of photographs and archival maps detailing the Brooklyn-Queens border landscapes, prepared for the reopening of the Queens Museum of Art.  Nov 2013-Jan 2014.



"Urban Typefaces."  Photograph for juried group show, Oceana Gallery, San Francisco.  Nov-Dec 2013.


"Borderlands."  Installation of photographs and archival maps detailing the Brooklyn-Queens border landscapes, prepared for the reopening of the Queens Museum of Art.  Nov 2013-Jan 2014.

"Morning in the Casbah, Marrakech, 2010." Photograph.  34th Parallel (October 2013).

"Teaching the Built Environment Outside of the Professional Box." Pedagogy Roundtable for the Fourteenth Biennial Planning History Conference, Toronto, Oct 2013.


"Loot."  Graphic appropriation.  Dark Matter 11 (Fall 2013).


"Skin flâneur."  100 Word Story.  Fall 2013. 

"The Promenade Plantée: Politics, Planning, and Urban Design in Post-Industrial Paris." Journal of Planning Education and Research 33, 2 (2013).


Review of Racial Democracy and the Black Metropolis: Housing Policy in Postwar Chicago (Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 2012).  Journal of American History 100, 2 (2013).


"The Historic Urban Landscape of the Swahili Coast: New Frameworks for Conservation." In World Heritage Papers Series No. 36: Swahili Historic Urban Landscapes (Paris: UNESCO World Heritage Center, 2013).

"The Known City: Visual Cultures of Urbanism in the Twentieth Century."  Lecture at the Museu da Electricidade, organized by the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon, Jun 2013.


"Setting Table in Old Stone Town, Zanzibar." Photographic essay in The Inquisitive Eater (June 2013).

"Interruptions in the Global City."  Participant in symposium at the Institute for Public Knowledge, New York University, May 2013.


"HOPE VI, Tenant Rights, and the Future of Public Housing." Participant in symposium at Princeton University, Mar 2013.


"Cities Envisioned: Planning, Visual Culture, and the Urban Imaginary."  Lecture in the School of Urban Planning, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Feb 2013.


Post-screening comments for The Pruitt-Igoe Myth, UNC, Chapel Hill, Feb 2013.

"Ephemeral City: Design and Civic Meaning at the 1904 World's Fair." Journal of Design History 26, 1 (2013).



Review of Daniel Bluestone, Buildings, Landscapes, and Memory: Case Studies in Historic Preservation

(W.W. Norton, 2010). Winterthur Portfolio, Fall 2012.


Special issue of the Journal of the American Planning Association on the 75th Anniversary of Public Housing.  Guest Editor. Fall 2012.

"The New Deal Metropolis." Organizer, chair, and discussant for panel session for the Urban History Association Conference, New York City, Oct 2012.

Post-screening comments for The Pruitt-Igoe Myth, University of Amsterdam, Sept 2012.


"Place specificity in the emergence of urban cultural phenomena: The case of Hip-Hop and the South Bronx."  Lecture, University of Amsterdam, Sept 2012.


"Introduction to the Special Issue: American Public Housing at 75."  In the special issue of the Journal of the American Planning Association 78, 4 (2012).


"The Strange Career of Public Housing: Policy, Planning, and the American Metropolis in the Twenty-First Century."  In the special issue of the Journal of the American Planning Association 78, 4 (2012).


Panel following the screening of The Pruitt-Igoe Myth, Brooklyn Academy of Music, Jun 2012.


"The Future of the 'Urban' in Schools of Architecture."  Yale University School of Architecture, New Haven, CT, May 2012.


Pruitt-Igoe Now.  Juror (with Teddy Cruz and Sergio Palleroni) for design competition run by the Heritage Preservation Office, May 2012.

"Technics and Art: Architecture, Cities, and History after Mumford."  Participant in symposium at the Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture, Columbia University, New York, NY, Apr 2012.


"Other Cities Take on the Grid."  Participant in panel discussion connected to 'The Greatest Grid' exhibition, Museum of the City of New York, Apr 2012. 


"What Do We Preserve?  Social Housing in a Global Perspective." Opening lecture delivered for the Annual Fitch Colloquium, Columbia University, New York, NY, Mar 2012.


"The Archival Uncanny: A Photograph, A Family Lacunae." Rhizomes 23. Special issue on 'Deleuze and Photography.' (March 2012).

"Rendering the City: The Use of Photographs as 'Evidence' in Urban Planning."  Lecture in the Urban Planning Lecture Series, GSAPP, Columbia University, New York, NY, Feb 2012.

"Heritage in the Dynamic City: The Politics and Practice of Conservation on the Swahili Coast." International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 37, 1 (2012).

Post-screening discussant for film The Pruitt-Igoe Myth, Exit Art Center, NYC, Jan 2012.

"Joseph Heathcott Collection of Counterculture Publications, 1971-2000."  Collection built between 1985-2000, subsequently organized and donated to the Archives and Manuscripts Department of the Saint Louis University Libraries Special Collections.  Available to the public as of 2012.



"When Angels Held Fast."  Worked photograph.  5 x 5 magazine (Winter 2011).


"The Urban Oblique."  Photographic series, Folly magazine (November 2011).

Post-screening discussant for film The Pruitt-Igoe Myth, Plenary Session, Fourteenth Biennial Planning History Conference, Baltimore, MD, Oct 2011.


"Libraries, Access to Knowledge, and Self-Learning: From the Library of Alexandria to" Moderator for roundtable discussion, MobilityShifts conference, NYC, Oct 2011.


"Dust and Design: The Architecture of the Farm Security Administration Migrant Camps, 1937 - 1942."  Special issue of Onsite Review on "Architecture and Dirt," (Fall 2011).


"Through a City, Darkly."  Catalogue essay for In Light: An Exhibition of Photographs by Chris

Wainwright.  Amsterdam: Castrum Peregrini, 2011.


"Six Miles from Wall Street."  Digital scan of prepared found materials. Bosphorous Art Project Quarterly (Summer 2011).


"One Night in Belleville, Paris, 2011."  Photographic essay for XCP Streetnotes 19, 1 special issue on 'The New Europe" (June 2011).


"Surface Moments, Marrakech."  Photographic essay for Camera Obscura 18 (March 2011).


"One New Year's Eve in a Dying City." Antioch Review 69, 2 (Spring 2011).


"Moral Panic in a Plural Culture." Cross-Currents 61, 1 (March 2011).


"In the Nature of a Clinic: The Design of Early Public Housing." Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 70, 1 (March 2011).

Post-screening discussant for film The Pruitt-Igoe Myth, BMW Guggenheim Lab, NYC, Mar 2011.

Screening of Tom Cordell's 'Utopia London'.  Participant in post-screening conversation with the director, sponsored by the London School of Economics, Mar 2011.

"Making Better Cities by Designing with Residents." Presentation hosted by David Lock and Associates, Milton Keynes, UK, Feb 2011.


"Urban Design and Ethnography."  Participant in symposium organized by the Urban Design Group, held at the Bartlett Faculty of Architecture, University of London, Jan 2011.  



"Sacred to the Memory."  Worked photograph.  Bosphorous Art Project Quarterly (Winter 2010).

"The Known City: Visual Cultures of Urbanism in the Twentieth Century." Lecture for the Research Centre on Transnational Arts, Identities, and Nations, Chelsea College of Art and Design, London, Dec 2010.


"Berlin and Vienna did—can St. Louis?  The Transatlantic Moment in Mass Housing, 1920-1960."  Lecture at Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, Nov 2010.


Fulbright Chair Inaugural Lecture, University of the Arts, London, Oct 2010.

"Notes on Infrastructure." Newsletter of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (Fall 2010).


"Infrastructure 2.0: A Stimulus Package for All of Us." National Civic Review 98, 2 (Summer 2010).

"Post-Acropolis." Five photographers document the Midwest metropolitan landscape, with work by Michael Allen, Toby Weiss, Robert Powers, Clare Boyd, and John Montre.  Curator.  City Hall Gallery, Stuttgart, Germany, May-June 2010.


"The City Exquisite, Ruined, and Remade."  Lecture at the Town Hall Museum and Galleries, Deutsche-Amerikanische-Zentrum, Stuttgart, Germany, May 2010.


"Studio and Seminar: Cross-Fertilizing Pedagogies for Twenty-First Century Learning." Lecture at the University of Maastricht, The Netherlands, May 2010.


"The Metropolis and the Technological Sublime after World War II." Lecture at the University of Maastricht, The Netherlands, May 2010.

"Shadow Archive: Photography and the Urban Imaginary." Presentation for the "Urban Encounters" symposium at Tate Britain, London, UK, May 2010.


"In Between: Histories Informed by Contemporary Art and Architecture." Roundtable for the Society for Architectural Historians Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, Apr 2010.


"Race and Historic Preservation." Roundtable participant by invitation of the Organization of American Historians Annual Meeting 2010, Washington, DC, Apr 2010.


"Wickedcity, or Gendered Urbanism." Talk delivered for the symposium "No Longer in Exile: The Legacy and Future of Gender Studies at the New School." New York, NY, Mar 2010.


"The Iterative Value of Infrastructure in the Framing of Daily Urban Life."  Paper accepted for the American Collegiate Schools of Architecture annual meeting.  New Orleans, LA, Mar 2010.  



Review of Mandi Jackson, Model City Blues: Urban Space and Organized Resistance in New Haven (Temple, 2008). Journal of American History 96, 2 (2009).


"Cognitive Map of Rosedale." Drawing. On Site Review (Summer 2009).


"Post-Industrial Urbanism as an Archival Project: The Work of the Building Arts Foundation." With Pamela Ambrose. Art Documentation 28, 1 (2009).



"The City Quietly Remade: National Priorities and Local Agendas in the Movement to Clear the Slums." Special issue of the Journal of Urban History 34, 2 (January 2008).


"The Street as a Transnational Space." On Site Review: Journal of Architecture and Culture 19, special issue on "Streets," Summer 2008.


"Block Signs." Photographic essay with Damon Rich.  In Public Phenomena, ed. Temporary Services.  Chicago: Half Letter Press, 2008.


"Reading the Accidental Archive: Architecture, Ephemera, and Landscape as Evidence of Urban Public Culture." Winterthur Portfolio 41, 2 (December 2007).


"Making Preservation Pay: Historic Tax Credits Generate Big Investment.  So Why Ruin a Good Thing?" Progressive Planning 172 (Fall 2007).


"Blueprints, Tools, and the Reality Before Us: Improving Doctoral Training in the Humanities." Change magazine, Fall 2007.  Featured on the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching home page, Oct 2007.


"Harland Bartholomew, City Engineer" in Marc Tranell, ed., St. Louis Plans: The Ideal and the Real (Public Policy Research Center, University of Missouri, St. Louis, 2007).


Review of Cathy Stanton, The Lowell Experiment: Public History in a Postindustrial City (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2006). Journal of American History 94, 3 (2007).


Review of David Brown, Noise Orders: Jazz, Improvisation, and Architecture (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2006). Journal of Architectural Education 60, 3 (2007).


"The Value of Architecture: Bruce Lindsey Brings the Lessons of the Rural Studio to the Metropolis." Metropolis magazine, May 2007.


"Getting Creative with the Region's Exceptional Industrial Heritage." St. Louis Post-Dispatch. 8 Feb 2007. Reprinted by the John F. Kennedy School of Government Innovators Network, Harvard University.

"Score One for Modernism." Planning 72, 11 (December 2006).


"The Century Building Debacle and the Future of Historic Preservation." The Next American City (October 2006).


"Curating the City: Challenges for Historic Preservation in the Twenty-First Century." Review essay commissioned by the Journal of Planning History 5, 1 (Winter 2006).


Review of Amanda Seligman, Block By Block: Neighborhoods and Public Policy in Chicago (University of Chicago Press, 2004).  Journal of American History 93, 1 (2006).


"Trained for Nothing?: Rethinking the PhD." Academe (November/December 2005).


"'The Whole City is Our Laboratory': Harland Bartholomew and the Production of Urban Knowledge." Journal of Planning History 4, 4 (November 2005).


"Modeling the Urban Future: Maps, Charts, and the Fantasy of Postwar Growth." Planning Perspectives 20, 4 (October 2005).


"Urban Activism in a Downsizing World: Neighborhood Organizing in Post-Industrial Chicago." City and Community 4, 3 (Fall 2005).


"Black Archipelago: Politics and Civic Life in the Jim Crow City." Journal of Social History 38, 3 (March 2005).


Review of Robert Lewis, ed., Manufacturing Suburbs: Building Work and Home on the Metropolitan Fringe (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2004). Labor 2, 4 (Winter 2005).


"Corridors of Flight, Zones of Renewal: Planning and Policy in the Making of Metropolitan St. Louis, 1940-1980." With Maire Agnes Murphy. Journal of Urban History 31, 2 (January 2005).  Winner of the Catherine Bauer Wurster prize for best article in the history of city planning.


"Urban Spaces and Working Class Expressions across the Black Atlantic." In Lisa Brock, Robin D. G. Kelley, and Lisa Sotiropoulos, eds. Transnational Black Studies (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2004).


"The City's Curator: An Interview with Larry Giles." With Pamela Ambrose, in Brick by Brick: Building St. Louis and the Nation. An Exhibit Catalogue.  St. Louis: Samuel Cupples House, 2004.


"Constructing the World's Fair." Gateway Heritage (April 2004).


"Trial of the Century (Building)." St. Louis Post-Dispatch. 23 March 2004.


"Urban Spaces and Working Class Expressions across the Black Atlantic." Radical History Review  87 (Fall 2003). 


Review of Lawrence Vale, Reclaiming Public Housing (Harvard University Press, 2002). American Studies 44, 3 (Fall 2003).

Beyond the Ruins: The Meanings of Deindustrialization.  Edited with Jefferson Cowie. Cornell University Press, 2003.  Listed as an "essential" text in labor history by Academia, the Magazine and Resource Guide for Academic Librarians.


"Introduction." With Jefferson Cowie.  Beyond the Ruins. (2003).


"Steeples and Lines of Sight: Religion, Place, and Change in an Urban Neighborhood." In Hans Krabbendam and Derek Rubin, eds., Religion in America. European and American Contributions to American Studies (Amsterdam: VU University Press, 2003).


Review of Eric Sandweiss, St. Louis: The Evolution of an American Urban Landscape (Temple University Press, 2001). Journal of the American Planning Association, Spring 2003.


Encyclopedia of Twentieth Century Architecture. New York: Routledge, 2003.

Entry: "Pruitt-Igoe Public Housing Project, St. Louis, Missouri."


"Forget city vs. suburbs--we're all in this together." St. Louis Post-Dispatch.  6 November 2002. With Todd Swanstrom and John Farley.  Reprinted by the MacArthur Foundation, Project for Building Resilient Regions, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley.


"St. Louis: Tending a Culture of Urban Research." Urban History Association Newsletter, October 2002.


Review of Richard Davies, Main Street Blues: The Decline of Small-Town America (Ohio State University Press, 1998). American Studies 41, 1 (Winter 2000).


"Do we want a Disneyfied Soulard Market?" St. Louis Post-Dispatch. 16 February 2000.


"Notes From the Field: Women's Organizations in Kenya are a Key to Cultural Survival." With Ashley Cruce. Cultural Survival Quarterly 22, 2 (July 1998).


"What Kinds of Tools?: Teaching Critical Analysis to First Generation College Students."  In Teaching Working Class, ed. Sherry Linkon.  Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1998.

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